
Article I:
        Working under the auspices of King Abdulaziz University and conduct their activities in the development of general theoretical knowledge and applied
And provide advice and scientific studies and applied for public and private sectors, according to the rules governing associations
  Scientific in Saudi universities.

Article II:
Objectives of the Saudi Society for Urology:

Development of scientific thought in the field of specialization of Urology and work on the development and revitalization of the
Achieve scientific communication to the members of the Assembly.
Provision of scientific advice in the area of specialization.
The development of scientific and professional performance of members of the Assembly.
Facilitate the exchange of scientific production, and scientific ideas in the interests of the Assembly between relevant bodies and organizations within and outside the Kingdom.
Article III:
Activity of Saudi Society of Urology

Encourage the conduct of scientific research and advisory.
Authoring and translation of scientific books in the area of interest and related magazines.
Conduct scientific studies to develop aspects of practice applied.
Symposia, seminars and courses related to areas of interest
Issuance of studies and publications and courses related to areas of scientific interest.
Participate in local and international exhibitions.
Invite scholars and thinkers stakeholders to participate in the activities of the Association in accordance with the procedures governing these activities.
Organizing trips for its members and the establishment of scientific competitions in the field of specialization.

Article IV:

Membership types, conditions and procedure Tha.

Types of Membership:

1. Membership groups: are required to:

The applicant must be holder of a membership degree or equivalent in the specialty of Urology.
To pay annual subscriptions.
Under the terms of the Governing Council.
A decision of the Governing Council to accept the member.
2. Honorary membership:

Granted by the General Assembly to everyone who contributed to the development of areas of interest to the Assembly, or provided financial or moral, and honorary member is exempt from the requirement to pay to participate, and may attend meetings of the General Assembly and its various committees and to participate in the discussions.

3. Membership enrollment:


University students in the area allocated by the Assembly.
Workers and those interested in the Assembly who are not available including the requirement of qualified selected for active membership. And associate member shall be exempted from 50% of the value of the annual subscription, and may attend meetings of the General Assembly and its various committees and participate in the discussion without the right to vote.
Article V:

Termination of membership in the Assembly in the following cases:

The withdrawal of the member or his death.
If you do not pay the annual subscription after a year of maturity.
If he loses the conditions of membership.
If any action or activity that results in damage to the association whether material or moral, is not waived in this case ended only with the consent of the association.

Article VI:


May be a decision of the Governing Council membership to re-member who lost based on the request if still reasons for omitting previous membership.


Article VII:


Composition of the General Assembly and meetings

The Assembly, composed of staff members.
The General Assembly shall hold an ordinary meeting once a year at the invitation of Chairman of the Board and the meeting shall be valid only in the presence of a majority of members, if the majority did not attend the meeting may last two weeks and this is true, who attended the meeting.
And may at the request of the Governing Council or the members of the General Assembly held an extraordinary meeting if necessary.

Article VIII:

Terms of reference of the General Assembly.

Version of the rules governing the internal workings of the Assembly.
  Adoption of the annual budget of the Assembly and the approval of the final accounts each year.
  Adopt the annual report of the Assembly.
  Selection of members of the Governing Council.
  Plan of action approved by the Council for action.
  Proposal to establish branches of the Society based on the recommendation of the Board of Directors.
  The appointment of an Auditor General and determine his salary.
  Proposal to transfer the headquarters of the University to another.
  Propose a solution by the Assembly.

  Article IX:

Honorary President of the General

Be nominated Honorary President of the Assembly upon the proposal of the Governing Council, from among the well-known personalities of their interest in the areas of work of the Assembly and the decision of the Council of the League, and has attended the presidency of the meetings.


Article X:

Society's resources and budget

First: rely basically on their own resources, namely:

The outcome of the annual contributions of members.
The outcome of what you sell publications, periodicals, and the services provided within the limits of its objectives.
Revenues of the major courses and programs.
Grants, donations and grants provided by associations or bodies and individuals.
Second:'s budget and final accounts.

The financial year of the Assembly and ending with the fiscal year of the University.
Final accounts are prepared in accordance with the rules and norms of professional.

Article XI:

Composition of the Board of Directors

Board of Directors composed of a number of active members is not more than nine selected by the General Assembly a secret proposal from among its workers, such that at least one third of the employees of King Abdulaziz University.
Membership of the Council for three years, renewable once.
If absent, a member of the Board of Directors of the meetings of the Council three times in succession, without an acceptable excuse for the Board of Directors may be considered to have resigned.
When a vacancy of a member of the membership of the Board of Directors selected by the General Assembly of the reason the Council would choose a replacement, and requires the approval of the General Assembly at the first meeting.
Choose the board of directors by secret ballot from among its members as its Chairman for three years, renewable once, provided that the employees of King Abdulaziz University, as selected by the Council from among its members and the Vice Secretary of the Board and Secretary of Finance.
Chairman of the Board is representative of the Association to others and represent it in contact with the official in the Kingdom and abroad according to statutory procedures and has assessed the presidency of the General Assembly.

Article XII:

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Board of Directors held a regular meeting every three months, and is not meeting a quorum of a majority of its members, and may hold extraordinary meetings if requested by more than half of its members or to request a fifth of the members of the Assembly or the Chairman of the Board of Directors, in which case the meeting is to discuss issues that the Council held for it. The resolutions of the Board of Directors by a majority vote of those present, and when an equality of votes the voice of the President of the Council likely.


Article XIII:

Terms of reference of the Board of Directors

Budget proposal of the Assembly.
Prepare the agenda of the General Assembly.
Proposing the general policy of the Association in the framework of the objectives contained in these rules, and presented to the General Assembly for approval.
Proposal to the internal rules and organization of work.
Composition of committees and groups to perform the specialized tasks of the association and activity.
Preparing the annual report of the activity of the Assembly and submitted to the relevant councils of King Abdulaziz University after its adoption by the General Assembly.
Determine the annual contributions of members.
Commissioning of studies and research.
Approve the holding of seminars, courses and seminars according to the regulations relating thereto that followed King Abdulaziz University.
Accept gifts, donations, grants and aid.

Article XIV:

Judge the general

Related activities in the Director General of King Abdulaziz University, or his authorized representative.
And adopt the minutes of general assemblies and board by the director of the university or his representative.
In case of disagreement between the Chancellor and the General Assembly or the Board of Directors bringing the matter to the House of Assembly and the decision shall be final.
If resolved, the Assembly (for any reason) its property devolves to the University of King Abdulaziz.
If the Assembly has been moved from the University of King Abdulaziz move all their possessions, Othaiekayaa to the new university.

Last Update
11/2/2009 3:22:48 AM